Chronicles Of Depression 2.0: #123

Ed McMahon talks about possible home foreclosure

McMahon, a former pitchman for the American Family Publishers’ sweepstakes and former “Star Search” host, received a $7.2 million settlement after a toxic mold spread through his house and led to the death of their dog in 2001.

With legal fees and construction costs of fixing the mold problem, the money did not go far, McMahon said.

“We had nine lawyers, they had nine lawyers,” McMahon said. “By the time that’s all over, and you rebuild the house from the outside in. … A lot of things went wrong.”

Some people might have gotten the impression here that I harbor some sort of ill will towards McMahon.

I don’t.

He’s one of the few celebrities who I think is also a regular guy. He also understands how great a role luck has played in his life. And I don’t think he’s taken much for granted, either.

Too bad most celebs aren’t like him.

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