Cuil: FAIL!

Former Googleers unveil Cuil, a new search engine

A start-up led by former star Google engineers on Sunday unveiled a new Web search service that aims to outdo the Internet search leader in size, but faces an uphill battle changing Web surfing habits.

Cuil Inc (pronounced “cool”) is offering a new search service at that the company claims can index, faster and more cheaply, a far larger portion of the Web than Google, which boasts the largest online index.

Wow. I mean HUGE FAIL here.

Of course the first search item anyone uses to test out a search engine is a vanity search. Because we all know our online presence best.

Well this sucker splashed so much crap on the screen in such a random fashion — with many links actually pointing to nowhere — that I sat there agog.

I didn’t even bother trying another search time. Waste of time.


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2 Comments on “Cuil: FAIL!”

  1. […] Cane gives his considered opinion on Cuil, a new search engine which challenges Google immediately by having a black background! Of course […]

  2. Felix Says:

    I agree with you; as of today (7/28/2008) Cuil seems absolutely useless. I’ve tried it with several search terms, and every single one of them left me aghast with disappointment as to how much crap was returned (or, in some cases, only one or two results).

    From what I understand, all of Cuil’s traffic (due to the recent media interest) is killing results, but even if so, this isn’t even good enough for a beta release.

    What I joke; I believe I could even cobble together a better search engine (which is not saying much!) As of today this is this the most over-hyped but useless “breakthrough” since cold fusion.

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