Waterstone’s eBook Site: FAIL!

Waterstone’s eBook Site

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Really, how can a site based on computers be so completely screwed-up in its options?

I can sort A-Z or Z-A — by Book Title.

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I cannot sort at all on Author Name. WTF?!

And get this: If I click on an author’s name in eBooks, I get all printed books and eBooks for that author! How stupidly unhelpful is that when wanting just an eBook?

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I can’t even do Search on Author Name because Search is site-universal, meaning I wind up getting results for printed books, when all I want are eBook results!

Does anyone — anyone at all — with a frikkin fully-functioning brain sit down and vet these things before launch?! This isn’t, say, trying to decode the mysteries of human DNA or launching a probe into outer space. For God’s sake, computers are made to sort and to search through information! Why cripple that ability?!

At some point there will be a Cluster of Suits over at Waterstone’s wondering why eBook sales are utter shit. Clue: You are stopping people from being able to buy what they want!

Starving to death at the door of Waterstone’s eBook store!

Previously here:

Tomorrow Is U.K. D-Day For Sony Reader

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One Comment on “Waterstone’s eBook Site: FAIL!”

  1. Charlie Says:

    There’s no doubt about it, it’s a poor site. In Australia the leading domestic ebook seller is Dymocks and there site is just as bad. As time goes by and competition increases in this marketplace I’m sure that the incumbents will be forced to improve their ebook sites.

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