eBay Strike: February 18-25, 2008

Ebay Sellers Riled Up About New Fees, Rules

EBay users are mad as hell and they’re not going to stop complaining about it.

After a fairly challenging year, John Donahoe, who takes over as eBay CEO at the end of March, unveiled plans yesterday to lower the upfront listing fee and increase the back-end fee for sellers. The so-called “success-based” model, which takes effect Feb. 20, is meant to increase listings, but from what we can gather, it will do little more than enrage its merchant base.

People are mad! Look at all the Comments to that article!

They’re calling for a strike the week of February 18-25, 2008, with sellers not listing anything.

I haven’t sold on ebay. But I’ve bought.

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2 Comments on “eBay Strike: February 18-25, 2008”

  1. Gerald Caouette Says:

    As a long term eBay member ( both as a buyer and as a seller ) with a feed back rating of over 99% …. I have both sold and bought thousands of dollars in merchandise on eBay ….. When competitors would pop up it was the transparent feed back that differentiated eBay from the masses. With that gone combined with high total fee structure.. lower listing but higher final value charges = more cost…myself and thousands of others ( both buyers and sellers have chosen to stop listing a large portion began droping listings in January when the news got to us auction listings have droped from near 17 million items to under 13 million and we will continue to spread the word…….They for got that we are also the most trusted buyers ..and that
    for the most part pay for their existance………..It will take some appologies and resignations to bring back our trust …… We all loved eBay but the competition such as epier and others are listening and looking for new customers………………..

  2. Elizabeth Says:

    I totally agree with you. Ebay definitely has a problem right now. I wonder how they are going to fix it. I’m getting together a list right now of other auction and selling websites and I’m going to try them all in order to rate them for myself, my website or blog, and to let other people know about them.

    You are so right to say that Ebay is going to have more of a trust issue now. Also, not only are people going to strike because of these changes, some people are already saying they are leaving Ebay.

    You can hear people comment about the new Ebay changes at the AuctionBytes podcast page here:
    Scroll down, and you can hear three podcasts full of actual Ebay users’ opinions.

    I listened to these just this morning. What an eye-opener!

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