The Emma Peel Of Small Press

My post about Christopher Fowler not getting his deserved byline prompted two Comments.

One Comment came from some madman named Ian Alexander Martin, whose URL leads to a small press called Humdrumming.

Humdrumming is a lunatic publisher of books working predominantly in the fields of horror and fantasy. Originally juggling our working lives with an expensive ‘hobby’, we now are a company consisting of a freelancer designer, a Canadian, and a freelancer writer. And all three of us can read, having been to school and all.

But what prompted this post was this absolutely killer tagline on their website:

Someone needs a raise or a gold medal for that!

But I still lodge a complaint: Where are the eBooks?!

Explore posts in the same categories: Books - Other, Writers - Living, Writing

6 Comments on “The Emma Peel Of Small Press”

  1. E-Books? We’re working on that… really, we are… it’s tricky sorting out wording and royalties for the format, plus there’s about 87 different formatting standards for e-books depending on the platform.

    There’s another header in the rotation that says “Humdrumming… sticking it to the Kindle!”

    The conceiver of that tag-line above is the founder of Humdrumming: Guy Adams. As for a raise for him, this is The Small Press, fellah: none of us have been paid yet, so a raise isn’t really something that’s mathematically possible.

  2. mikecane Says:

    Here you: Study ePub:

    Keep up with Teleread:

    That’s a good start.

    And sort out those fucking contracts so that when the books are *e*, *I can buy them here in America*. I hate that restricted rights shit.

    Right, you have your orders. You may proceed. Ha!

  3. You can buy all our books in America right now. We understand that there’s the problem you lot seem to have spelling simple words like ‘labour’ and ‘cheque’, but we’re certain you can muddle though eventually.

    As for rights, the tricky part we’re working on — other than the different platform standards that must be taken into account when exporting from InDesign and so on — is ensuring that the DRM licenses are either intelligently applied with real life situations accounted for, or not there altogether. Either of those options seems reasonable, but try telling that to some bastard literary agent in their Centre of London split-level office with oiled maidens dancing about and offering him amphorae of wine! Good luck, mate!

    In the mean time, shuffle through the Humdrumming site, locate a tile or three, then find my e-mail address on the Humans Page (as opposed to the ‘Writers Page”; we all know they’re not humans) and I’ll set’cha up as a human e-book guinea pig. Howzat, yo?!

  4. mikecane Says:

    You’ve got the wrong guy to test ebooks. David Rothman over at Teleread is the go-to guy on that. The world is slowly bending to his will, so you’d be ahead of the curve there.

    Cheque him out.

  5. […] in this post, Mr. Cane speaks of e-books and our lack of supply of them. After explaining that this is very much […]

  6. Troo Says:


    Ian isn’t human…

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