Statin Drugs: No Blood


Saw my primary care doc today. Gave her copies of all the statin-related stuff: WSJ article and my blog posts. Dropped off another set with a second doc. I still have to schedule my cardiologist.

I was hoping to get copies of all my blood work and post the cholesterol scores here. But Medical Records has changed its policy and that info will now be mailed to me. Previously, I could get what I needed on the spot.


It might have been my ranting about the statin effects, but my blood pressure was the highest it’s ever been for me. Not that even that is considered “high” blood pressure. My blood pressure is so low they won’t give me a scrip for a certain cardiac med because they fear I’ll pass out while walking and crack open my skull. As it is, they wonder how I get around without doing that.


I use mirrors.

Previously here:

Statin Drugs: Does V.P. Dick Cheney Take One?
Statin Drugs: Jarvik Ads Withdrawn
Statin Drugs: More Better!
Statin Drugs: Pain For Nothing
Statin Drugs: Survey
Simvastatin Made Me Insane
Simvastatin: This Happened To Me Too!
Simvastatin Vs. My Mind
Stopping My Statin
Give Me Back My Mind!

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